Aired Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 9:30 PT | 10:30 MT | 11:30 CT | 12:30 ET
State and local funding for school and campus safety is often insufficient. Learning how to maximize multiple federal granting resources to fund solutions is an avenue to allow our schools to close the capability gaps and provide an effective and efficient response when time is of the essence. Understanding the process of how to apply for grants and determining how to best leverage these funds may seem daunting. Public Sector Grants (PSG) is here to help demystify the process and provide invaluable assistance. Join us as we delve into FY 2024 COPS – School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) and FY 2024 BJA’s STOP School Violence Program and other relevant federal funding streams. Kamala Kuhn, Director of Grants Assistance at PSG, will provide insight into key requirements of these grants, how they can be applied, vital deadlines, and much more!
We welcome members of governments at the local, state & federal levels, and federally recognized tribal nations; public, private, independent, non-profit, and tribal school districts; members of public safety; and those serving in fields related to improving efforts to reduce violent crimes in and around schools.
Don’t miss this exclusive content and the opportunity to learn with a federal grants expert!